Thursday 16 August 2012

Can We Move On: Chris Brown wishes Rihanna would stop talking about the beating he gave her so they can 'move on'

RIHANNA has sobbed over Chris Brown in a new interview with Oprah, prompting her ex to tell her to 'move on' from the beating he gave her. The 24-year-old appears highly emotional in the soon-to be-aired sit-down with the talk show queen, expressing fear for Brown's wellbeing. Rihanna told Oprah that she believed the vicious 2009 assault was Brown's way of crying for help. "It became a circus and I felt protective," she says in a preview for the show. "I felt like the only person they hate right now is him. It was a weird, confusing space to be in because as angry as I was, as angry and hurt and betrayed, I just felt like he made that mistake because he needed help.” Although seriously injured during the attack, Rihanna says she was more scared for Brown than she was for herself. “Who’s gonna help him? Nobody’s gonna say he needs help,” she says, sobbing. “Everybody’s gonna say he’s a monster without looking at the source. I was more concerned about him. "It was embarrassing, it was humiliating. lost my best friend -- everything I knew switched -- switched in a night and I couldn’t control that … it's not easy for me to interpret -- it's not easy to interpret on camera with the world watching." Meanwhile, Brown has reportedly told friends that he doesn't think it's ''productive'' to keep talking about the incident. "Chris is just confused about Rihanna's decision to bring up the past again and again," a source told Radar Online. "Rihanna has previously given wide-ranging interviews about the beating to Diane Sawyer and several print magazines. Chris just doesn't think it's productive or relevant to rehash the events since essentially nothing new is being revealed in the interview Rihanna has done with Oprah. "Chris doesn't begrudge Rihanna at all for talking about it but he thinks that in order for them to both move forward and not be defined by that one night, it would be better to stop bringing it up."

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